The Open Worlds 2024

We had an incredible experience competing at The Open Worlds 2024 in The Historic Blackpool Tower, England. Here are our results from this prestigious event:

Amateur Rising Stars Ballroom:

  • Placed in the top 7
  • Date: 12 May 2024

Youth Ballroom:

  • Placed 6th
  • Date: 10 May 2024

Under 19 Ballroom:

  • Placed 6th
  • Date: 10 May 2024

We are massively pleased with our performances and with our improvements, though we will always aim higher and strive for further excellence. Competing against such talented dancers inspires us to push our limits and enhance our skills.

We extend our deepest gratitude to our coaches, family, and supporters. Your solid encouragement and belief in us drives our passion and determination to succeed.

Looking forward, we are eager to continue our journey, learn from these experiences, and aim for even greater achievements in the future!

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